For its 2019 Digital Mum Report, theAsianparent Vietnam gathered and analyzed responses from over 600 mums (about 50% from Hanoi and other Northern provinces).

Most of the respondents

  • belong to the 26-30 year old age group (47.9%)
  • went to college/university (65.2%)
  • work full time (51.7%)
  • have a household income within 10-20 million VND (77.9%)

Below are some interesting findings from theAsianparent Vietnam Digital Mum Survey 2019:

94.6% of mums surveyed are very strict but always try to understand their children.

76.9% also said that they don’t subscribe to a specific parenting style but try to balance all.

44.6% increased their time online up to 4 hours/day after becoming mothers.

Their top online activity is visiting parenting websites (526), followed by using Facebook and other social media (489), shopping online (283), checking mail (135), and browsing the Internet (103).

Facebook is both their top app and top messaging platform.

Half (51%) of the respondents turn to the Internet for baby-related issues.

27% seek out experts; while 22% turn to family/friends.

Online vs. offline shopping sees an even split.

49.4% shop online; while 50.6% shop in stores.


For more information on Vietnamese mums, reach out to our Research & Insights team.